Friday, June 6, 2008

What would my mother say?

I've decided to blog. (Is "blog" a verb? It is now). It's against my own better judgement. It's peer pressure. Almost anyone I know and respect has one. I need one too. My mother would say "If everyone jumps into the lake would you jump too?" Well mom, yes I probably would, I don't know. BTW, I love your blog, mom.

Stand by for more stuff from what will possibly be the world's worst blogger. The low quality of my posts will be offset by their infrequency I'm sure.
Neil A


mary said...

Great photo! Here's a blogger tip: nudity increases ratings. I'm not giving you recommendations, I'm just saying. Keep it up, it's a fun creative outlet.

Neil A said...

The egg is nude. Do you think that'll help?

|ris said...

A nude egg is a great start to a nude chick! Welcome to the world of blogging.